Wednesday, April 11, 2012

" The Yankees are Running"

Friday, April 11, 1862  "Camp Boredom"

The news is just arrived and joyous it is. There has been a great battle in Tennessee at Pittsburg Landing. Our army under A.S. Johnston and Beauregard has fooled, beaten, whipped and trounced those Yankee fiends Grant, Sherman and Buell and their whole infernal hosts. The Yankees are running. There are thousands of prisoners.From somewhere comes a jug. Everyone in camp is jubilant and at the same time sad that we were here and could not share in the victory. Regimantal bands are playing and there are many speeches. It is high near time the Southern Confederacy won something.  Now, on to Nashville and Cincinatti beyond the Ohio.

1 comment:

  1. You have received the Leibster Award! Go to my blog post to read about it! :)

