Saturday, March 17, 2012

"We Are Rid of Lee"

Monday, March 17, 1862 Garden's Corner

Flynn, Shehane and Duncan are drunk. They have staggered and stumbled into our picket post where Castles, Holton, Crenshaw and myself were posted. They carried on so that a deaf Yankee would have known exactly where we were. They brought no libations with them and I suppose they had consumed all that they had. Crenshaw was quite disappointed with them. They were too drunk to tell us how or where they came by this liquid refreshment which has been so rare here of late. They seemed quite happy about something but were too drunk to speak clearly. They started to sing but when Duncan fell over into the mud, they gave it up.

I had started this diary in order to have a clear recollection of this war once it is ever over. When I reach my declining years, I may find some comfort in reading this account of my service to my country during our struggle for independence.

To this end, there are some things that perhaps bear mentioning as I am certain that I will not recall them. For some reason known only to those who have been appointed over us, our state has been portioned into military districts. I suppose all the Confederacy is so divided.

South Carolina is divided into six military districts. We in the 12th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment are in the Fourth District along with some other South Carolina regiments. General Gregg has taken over command from General Pemberton of the district and all the forces therein. General Donelson used to be very near here but he now commands the Fifth District. I suppose his brigade of Tennesseans, the 8th and 16th regiments, went with him as I have not seen them for a time.

All of these districts are part of the bigger Department of South Carolina and Georgia, headquartered in Pocotaligo. It had been commanded by that man Lee but no more. We are rid of Lee. The President has recalled him to Richmond and replaced him with General Pemberton. Perhaps now we will put down the spade and pick up the musket.


  1. Do you think that Pemberton will be a better choice? And, it is a good thing that there are no more libations to tempt you.

    1. Pemberton better than Lee? Well, with the advantage of 20-20 hindsight, perhaps at some things. At holding a static position with minimal resources, Pemberton is at least as good as Lee. At taking bold moves that challenge the odds, no way; Lee trumps everybody. Given where he was and what he had to work with, his talents could not be utilized. Now that he's been transferred, someone's pucker factor will be such that you couldn't put a needle up there with a sledgehammer.
